Guidelines For Treating Pain After the Epidemic Pain. Its a big deal. Its been with us (meaning human and other creatures ) since far back in evolutionary times, so we can assume it has served a purpose. No doubt…
On Resilience
The concept of resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from pressure or strain, is often front and center in my mind. It comes into play when I am considering my patients, and how to help them recover from…
Dr Haller’s 50 Pound luggage theory of pain
Imagine you are at the airport checking your bags on the way home from a fabulous vacation. As you had feared, your suitcase, stuffed to the gills, weighs in at over 50#. This threshold that triggers a predictable response—the agent…
Learn how to take care of yourself
DR HALLER’S TIPS FOR MYOFASCIAL PAIN: December, 2016 We all have to live. In order to do so, there are certain things we all have to do: eat, drink, sleep, experience emotion and thought, interact with our neighbors…
What We Put in our Mouths
What We Put in our Mouths: Part One January 2017 I want to share with you the things I speak about with my patients. We can infer that I talk about these topics not only for the…